
Sunday and Weekday Services

Morning Prayer: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM in the Chapel. Enter at the Office Door.

Contemplative Prayer: Tuesday & Thursday at 9:00 AM in the Chapel. Enter at the Office Door across from the playground.

Morning Prayer via Zoom: Saturday at 8:30 AM.


Holy Eucharist:

  • Sundays – 10:00 AM in the Cathedral. Nursery care for small children (through age 3) is provided from 9:30 AM to Noon.
  • Tuesdays – 11:00 AM in the Chapel.

Masks are optional.

Building Access is available as follows: 

  • Entrance for Elevator Use is on the North side of the building via the small parking lot accessed from 12th Street. (Doors are locked at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday when the service begins.) During the week, access is available Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Please ring the buzzer to the left in the Vestibule.
  • Front Door on Main Street (west) side of building is open on Sundays and during other services.
  • Bell Tower Entrance at the southeast corner of the building is open on Sundays and during other services. There is also a ramp for handicapped access.
  • Office Door is at the northeast corner of the building across from the playground area.