Sunday and Weekly Services:

Morning Prayer:

Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM in the Chapel. Please enter at the Office Door.

Contemplative Prayer:

Tuesday & Thursday at 9:00 AM in the Chapel.

Please enter at the Office Door.

Morning Prayer via Zoom:

Saturdays at 8:30 AM.

Holy Eucharist Services:

  • No Tuesday Eucharist on September 17th @ 11:00 AM in the Chapel.


  • Sundays – 10:00 AM in the Cathedral.

Nursery care if needed is available from 9:30 AM to Noon for small children (through age 3).


Building Access is available as follows: 

  • Entrance for Elevator use is on the North side of the building via the small parking lot accessed from 12th Street. (Doors are locked at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday when the service begins.) During the week, access is available Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Please ring the buzzer to the left in the Vestibule.
  • Front Door on Main Street (west) side of building is open on Sundays and during other services.
  • Bell Tower Entrance at the southeast corner of the building is open on Sundays and during other services. There is also a ramp for handicapped access.
  • Office Door is at the northeast corner of the building across from the playground area.

Announcements & News

Children’s Church

Join us for the Eucharist service on Sunday at 10:00 AM  and bring your children to enjoy a safe and engaging learning atmosphere. The session starts at 9:45 AM in the lower level of the church. Nursery care is also provided for younger children.

Please join us for the P.U.N.C.H. Memorial to

the Lost Prayer and Shirt Procession

on September 21st at 9:30 AM

We gather at 9:30 am at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral 121 W. 12th St.  Davenport, IA 52803 and walk the shirts to Bethel AME Church – 323 W. 11th St. Davenport, Iowa