Members work in teams to prepare the vessels, linens, and vestments for every worship service, and beautify the cathedral for Christmas and Easter.
Coffee Hour Hosts
Extend the love of Christ after services by making coffee and providing light refreshments.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
LEVs are sent from Sunday services to take communion to those who are unable to attend church.
Order of St. Luke
Members of the Order of St. Luke the Physician (OSL) meet to study Scripture, especially the biblical stories of the healing miracles, as well as other books on Christian healing, and engage in healing prayer. OSL offers healing prayers during the 10:00 am service on Sunday, and at The Fountains Service (see below) on the first (and fifth) Sunday of each month.
All are welcome to join this healing ministry.
The order maintains a website for additional information:
The Fountains Service
This service is offered to members of The Fountains Senior Living community in Bettendorf, IA, on the second (and fifth) Sunday of the month, at 1:30 pm. Organized by Trinity members of the Order of St. Luke (OSL), the service includes hymns, liturgy, lessons, prayers, a reflection/sermon, and Holy Communion. Following the service, members of OSL offer anointing and healing prayers to anyone wishing them.
Pastoral Visitors
Church connections are maintained through these volunteers who regularly call and visit those who are homebound.
Ushers and Greeters
Often the first to greet those who come to the cathedral, ushers hand out bulletins, take up the collections, and attend to people’s needs during worship.
Adult Christian Formation
Adult education occurs Sundays at 11:15 am in the library or chapel, and at other times throughout the year.
Children’s Church
From September – May, children celebrate their own Liturgy of the Word beginning at 9:45 a.m. in the lower level of the parish hall and rejoin their families at the offertory. There are two programs:
Preschool Children through age 5 gather in the Children’s Chapel and listen to a story each week using a modified Godly Play method. The children sit in a circle with a storyteller who quietly shares a story using props such as a desert box, wooden figures, felt pieces, and other materials. The storyteller then invites the children to wonder about the story and to expand on their responses though art, puzzles, books, or other playful “work”.
Elementary Children ages 6 and older gather in the double classroom where they explore God’s promises in their lives through a curriculum designed for Episcopalians, Weaving God’s Promises. Class sessions are structured around the Holy Eucharist: Gathering, Telling the Sacred Story (Liturgy of the Word), Prayer (Prayers of the People), Sharing (Holy Communion), and Sending Forth. Within this structure there are creative projects, engaging stories, play, and snacks accompanied by earnest discussion.
Junior and Senior High Students are invited to assist with the young children.
Following their lessons, all children come together to celebrate with music through the leadership of Ron May, Director of Music Ministries. They participate in services on special occasions—on All Saints Day in procession dressed as Saints, on Christmas Eve in a pageant, and on other occasions to sing.
A faithful team of teachers are committed to children’s Christian formation with the understanding that it is a lifelong process, happening in community and shaping all of us into the people God created us to be.
We welcome all children and encourage parishioners to invite families with children to join us—as well as grandparents to bring their grandchildren. This is a gift to share.